I-1) Not being at both the beginning and the end of an evaluation class; with the appropriate justification
See the “Justification Guidelines for Evaluation Days” (JGED) document in the EV.
I-2) Failure to respond to random feedback questions regarding a task that is part of his/her responsibility(i.e. related issue assigned to him/her).
I-3) Not including (and performing) an issue in your working planning for watching each theory pill shared in the EV content. Such an issue must also be tracked with Clockify, and the name must be“watch_theory_pill_X” where X is the name of the theory pill name.
T-1) Failure to give notice (at the beginning of an evaluation class) that a member is absent.
T-2) Taking longer than the stipulated time for the presentation (even if it is only a few seconds).
T-3) Finishing the presentation before the last minute.
T-4) Use a different presentation file than the one included in the deliverable.
T-5) Not respecting or not reacting to the feedback given in class without an explicit justification explainedin the presentation.
T-6) Failure to explicitly include any of the expected aspects in the presentation document as they wereexplained in the previous class discussion.
T-7) Including a document in the repository as part of a deliverable without an appropriate cover page that,at least, should include:
EV Group number.
Group name.
Name of the deliverable (e.g. Devising a Project, Sprint 1, Sprint 2, etc).
A descriptive title of the document (e.g. “Presentation” or “Reviewer’s Guide”).
Name(s) and surname(s) of the team members contributing to the document, indicating the typeof contribution made. Only the names of those who have contributed should be entered, with aclear indication of the type of contribution (writing, revision, etc.) which must match thecorresponding clockify entry.
T-8) Not including the following issues in your working planning representing a review performed by anymember of the group. All of them must be tracked with Clockify and the name must be as follows:
FC terms review.
Expected aspects review.
T-9) Not including the following content in the document of contributions to the shared Knowledge Base (X-report.pdf):
The link to the shared Knowledge Base.
The specific content that the team has contributed, which should include, at least, the specificfeedback received and the annotations on the general feedback.
The consolidation actions that have been carried out. If none have been carried out, specify "Noconsolidation actions have been carried out".
T-10) Failure to make a correct delivery considering the following instructions concerning the Gitubrepository:
Provide the GitHub repository URL.
Failure to make a mistake in the format or file name in any of the files that conform to the deliverableto be included in a “docs”2 folder of the GitHub repository:
Presentation (presentacion.md)
Report of contributions to the common KB. (report.md)
Report of user pilots (at least considering status, plan, feedback management, etc.) (pilots.md)
Individual performance evaluation (PerformanceEvaluation.md) following the performanceevaluation template provided in EV.
Time-effort report for each member and for the group (Time-Effort-report.md).
Report detailing the AI usage (AI-usage.md).
Commitment Agreement (at least considering version, status, etc.) (commitmentAgreement.md).
Pilot Users Commitment Agreement or Agreements (at least considering version, status, etc.)(pilotUsersCommitmentAgreement.md or several of them).
Any other document or video you consider should be in md, pdf, ppt, pptx or mp4 format.
Include a proper Tag for the delivered version of the code and documentation (e.g. 0.1 for #DPdeliverable, 1.0 for #S1 deliverable, ...).
Perform a GitHub release linking the proper tag, which must include a zip file with all repositorycontent.
T-11) Not following the instructions of the software reviewer's guidelines; or incurring in any of the failureconditions presented in those guidelines.
T-12) Not including in the docs repository folder the pilot users performance evaluation(PilotUsersPerformanceEvaluation.md) following the pilot users performance evaluation templateprovided in EV.
T-13) Not including in the docs repository folder all information received from pilot users(InformationProvidedByPilotUsers.md) considering the MinimumInformationFromPilotUsers_Gathered-ByForm document.
T-14) Not including the following issues in your working planning representing a review performed by anymember of the group. All of them must be tracked with Clockify and the name must be as follows:
Deployed Software review
T-15) Having text in the slides that is not readable from the back of the class.
T-16) Software Demo not showing realistic data or information.